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Team Resources

Team Timeline

Here is a week-by-week schedule to keep your team on track for developing your robot and project for the upcoming competition!

(Download here for PDF)

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Programming App

Click here to download the SPIKE Programming application or launch it on your web browser. Then click on the arrow next to "LAUNCH WEB APP" and click "Download - 2.0.8".



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Basic Curriculum

Here is the basic FLL curriculum to teach students how to build and program the robots: Competition Ready | SPIKE Prime Unit Plan | LEGO® Education.



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Build a Table

Your game field mat along with the missions your robot will try and complete should go on a table. Ask your school officials if they have a carpenter or grounds keeper who could build it for you.

Download this document to learn how to build it.


(Or visit it in the resource library:

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Coach Handbook

Find all the information you need in the coach's handbook here. Information regarding coach roles and how coaches can support their teams can be found within the document.

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How to Solve Some Missions

Take some inspiration from this video which will teach you how to solve some Masterpiece missions by building attachments without using motors (passive attachment).



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Competition Season Resources

Find information on this year's competition including mission module build instructions and the competition rule-book.


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Masterpiece Challenge Overview

Learn more about the 2023-2024 season challenge here.



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Slide Deck

We pitch our mission to schools using our slide deck detailing the FLL program. You can find the presentation here



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Mission Model Building Instructions

Scroll down this website to the tab titled "Mission Model Building Instructions." Click on it and download the PDF corresponding to the bag you are working on. Available non-verbally, in English, and French.

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©2024 by STEM Inspires Corp. All rights reserved. 
STEM Inspires is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

EIN #: 92-0345640

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